IC²S² 2023

IC²S² 2023
JULY 17 – 20
UPCOMING: 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science
University of Copenhagen
IC²S² is the premier annual meeting bringing together researchers from different disciplines interested in using computational and data-intensive methods to address societally relevant problems. ISCSS is excited to convene the CSS community in person at the University of Copenhagen in 2023.
Workshops & Datathon
IC²S² features two special events prior to the main conference: a datathon and a series of skills workshops.
Workshops are intended to be an introduction to core computing skills used in computational social science. It is a great opportunity for sociological researchers who are newcomers to computational techniques or who want to broaden their tool-kits with exposure to new methodologies.
The datathon is a marathon research session in which participants work together to turn datasets into insight. Participants will utilize prepared datasets and computational methods to respond to a theory-driven prompt developed by a panel of judges.
Check back later for more details on these sessions as the agenda is finalized.
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions will address issues such as social contagion, social dynamics and influence, political collective action, economical models, social media and more. Panels will be run concurrently and will feature nearly 150 speakers. Presenters will be from a diverse selection of research institutions and organizations. They will be from numerous countries and disciplines, and their commonality will be the contributions they are making to the field of computational social science.
The final agenda will be posted closer to the conference date.